8 Week Diet Plan

8 Week Individually Tailored Diet & Yoga Plan

Individually Tailored 8 Week Diet Plan

Have you gained weight during lock down? Do you feel sluggish and in need of some motivation with your diet and exercise regime? Would you like help planning a diet & exercise routine that fits in with your individual lifestyle?

In order to maintain long-term weight loss it is necessary to change our bad eating and lifestyle habits.

I will plan an individual eight-week weight loss plan with recipes tailored specifically for you.

The eight-week diet plan will teach you how to change your eating habits and get into the routine of eating healthy and nutritious meals and improving your lifestyle

The diet plan consists of a 30 minute long nutritional consultation where we will discuss your goals, the foods that you like to eat, and what you would like to achieve from the eight-week plan.

After our initial consultation, I will plan a healthy, nutritious diet designed to help you sensibly lose weight in the eight weeks period. The plan will contain weekly goals to help you achieve your target.

The diet plan includes eight 1 to 1 private yoga lessons. (These will currently be held via Zoom owing to social distancing) and weekly motivational exercise goals. Yoga is proven to have many health benefits and can be a gentle way to begin exercising if you haven’t worked out for a while.

What do I get with the 8 Week Diet Plan?

  • 8 Week Individual Diet Plan
  • Calculation of current BMI
  • Calculation of Recommended Daily Calorie Allowance
  • 8 Week Recipies with calorie and Nutritional Information
  • Weekly Weight Loss Targets
  • Weekly Motivation Goal
  • Unlimited email support
  • Eight 30 minute one-to-one Private Yoga Classes (Beginners Hatha) – Via Zoom

Special Offer – £19.99

Our successful Eight weeks Individually Tailored Weight Loss & Exercise Plan usually costs £59.99. However, subscribe to the plan by 30.04.22 and only pay £19.99 for the eight-week plan. To purchase the diet plan, please download and email the completed form to sharon@namastehathayoga.co.uk and make payment via Paypal. Once payment has been received your personal diet plan will be emailed to you within five working days.

If you would like any further information about the Eight Week Diet Plan or have any questions, please feel free to contact me using the form below.

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